A Brief Description Of Third Offense Drunk Driving

 Nowadays, the third offense drunk driving and indecent assault and battery has become a regular incident in our society. These two crimes are considered as high-level offenses.

Third offense drunk driving and solutions:

While driving a car, if the driver is found to be intoxicated with alcohol or any drugs, the driver is considered guilty under the rules and laws of the constitution.

There are several punishments for this crime: imprisonment, fines, vehicle loss, driver license suspension, etc. When someone drives a car, he or she must maintain the limit of alcohol consumption.

During driving, the limit of alcohol consumption is 30 mg/100 ml. In the breath analyzing test results, if someone has a greater amount of alcohol than the permissible limit, they are considered an offender under the rules of drink and driving under the Influence (DUI). This rule is also applicable to drugs.   

·         Imprisonment: If someone is accused of committing this crime, the judge can give an order of imprisonment (one or five years of jail). In some particular cases, the judge can even give probation to the accused person.

·         Fines: The judge can charge a hefty amount of compensation to the offender.

·         Vehicle loss: This crime can also lead to the forfeiture of the vehicle. As an alternative to this punishment, the accused person's car can be immobilized for a certain amount of time.

·         Suspension of the driver's license: As a punishment for this crime, the judge can give orders to suspend that driver's license. This suspension remains valid for a certain amount of time.

To avoid this punishment, you have to leave the habit of drinking alcohol. If you are alcohol-addicted, you have to maintain the limit of alcohol consumption during driving.

Indecent Assault And Battery:

Suppose a person intentionally touches the private parts (breasts, abdomen, thigh, buttocks, genitals for females and buttocks, genitals for males) of someone. In that case, he or she is considered an offender under the laws of the constitution.

To get justice, the victim must prove several details.

·         The defendant intended to touch the private parts of the victim.

·         The defendant touched the private parts of the victim.

·         The touching was harmful or offensive.

·         There was no excuse for the touching.

·         The touching was indecent.

If the victim proves all of these details as real, the defendant cannot get rid of the punishment that the court's judgment is supposed to be ordered. This punishment is imprisonment in jail or a correction house for a certain amount of time.

Suppose I am the defendant, and I want to avoid the punishment of the court. Then I have to get the best criminal lawyer near me to overcome the case. Thus, I can avoid the penalty.


Being intoxicated with alcohol, when a person drives the car, they take the risk of losing their lives by any severe accident. We have to remember that laws are made to save ourselves from any danger.


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